I don't know if I'm starting to turn into a travel and positivity blog lately? I'm not complaining about it, I enjoy writing positive posts, I just worry I'm going to run out of new ideas soon. Oh well. Today I wanted to talk a little about my new mindset, specifically, why I'm learning to zen out, or just chill.
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Taking A Chill Pill
29 July 2017
I don't know if I'm starting to turn into a travel and positivity blog lately? I'm not complaining about it, I enjoy writing positive posts, I just worry I'm going to run out of new ideas soon. Oh well. Today I wanted to talk a little about my new mindset, specifically, why I'm learning to zen out, or just chill.
25 July 2017
So, as I'm sure you're all aware, back in April this year I travelled down south to visit Lucy, from Bethan's Blog. What you may not realise is that on two of the days of my visit, she was at work, and so I had free reign over what I wanted to do. I decided to get some uni work done on the Monday, which... Didn't really go too well, whoops, but on the Tuesday, I thought I'd take the opportunity to travel to London for a few hours.
22 July 2017
Ask anyone who knows me, I'm a positive person. Even in the darkest situations, I always like to make people laugh or get them to see the silver linings. And I really enjoy writing positive posts, because I truly see a difference in those who I share them with, and I can see other people beginning to think positive, so I thought I'd write a little about how I manage to stay positive like .... 97.5% of the time.
15 July 2017
A year or so ago, there was a huge drama in my home town. Somebody was taking random girls' pictures and posting them onto a revenge porn website. I was lucky that I wasn't one of them, but by me saying this, you'd assume that they were indecent images and so that 'they deserved it'. Well, the original pictures weren't, and regardless of that, they didn't deserve it.
You see, revenge porn can take numerous different forms, such as photo manipulation, but the most common one is by leaking people's 'nude's and videos that they sent to their friend, partner, etc in confidence. Which is wrong, and a massive breach of trust.
11 July 2017
I’ve been wondering about what to write for my Travel Tuesday posts for a while, when I realised, my home town is a tourist town, plus it’s had a bit of media recently, because the Queen recently visited! So, while I don’t live there at the moment, I thought it would be nice to write a bit about it.
08 July 2017
So, I've not really been feeling myself the last few days. I've felt really down, about my life at the moment, about my blog, about a lot of things. I've watched Point Break this week more than I've ever watched a film consecutively, and I've been trying to make small changes to see if they've make me feel happier.
Regardless of that, I had an idea on a bus journey about things that I view as being my flaws, and given that I feel down this week, it seems the perfect time to celebrate my imperfections, and spread a little positivity at a time that I need it most. So, without further ado, let's dive straight in.
04 July 2017
Making a new travel post every Tuesday is more tricky than I thought it was going to be, considering I don't go anywhere due to trying to save my money. But, I'm really proud of how I'm doing so far, and it makes me really think each week about what I can write about!
This week I thought I'd write a post about why I'm so excited to go travelling next year!
01 July 2017
Greetings, my excellent friends!
I'm sure you're all aware that my favourite films are the Bill and Ted films, and I'm pretty sure you're all fed up with me going on and on about them on Twitter, Facebook and in real life too. In fact, I bet even if you haven't seen the films, you know enough random facts to be able to hold a conversation with me about them!
I'm not going to apologise for this, because Bill and Ted have made me into the person I am today. Which is cheesy AF, but also true. I'd like to tell you a bit about why I love the franchise as much as I do, and why I need there to be more that 2 Bill and Ted pop vinyl figures, and why I need Bill and Ted 3 to hurry up and go into production! I've been waiting so long, so much longer than McFly album 6 *insert frustrated face here*.
I'm sure you're all aware that my favourite films are the Bill and Ted films, and I'm pretty sure you're all fed up with me going on and on about them on Twitter, Facebook and in real life too. In fact, I bet even if you haven't seen the films, you know enough random facts to be able to hold a conversation with me about them!
I'm not going to apologise for this, because Bill and Ted have made me into the person I am today. Which is cheesy AF, but also true. I'd like to tell you a bit about why I love the franchise as much as I do, and why I need there to be more that 2 Bill and Ted pop vinyl figures, and why I need Bill and Ted 3 to hurry up and go into production! I've been waiting so long, so much longer than McFly album 6 *insert frustrated face here*.
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