I was tagged by Chris over at His Lifestyle Blog to write some answers to the Lush tag. I don't want to end up forgetting to do it so let's get right in there!
What was your first...
Lush Bath Bomb?
It was actually Fizzbanger! Which I bought it at the same time as Space Girl and Phoenix Rising.
Lush Bubble Bar?Over the Rainbow, It looked so cute and I was desperate for bubbles!
Fun fact: I actually previously visited Lush for actual liquid bubbles before realising that I was actually to look for bubble bars.
Lush Massage Bar?
Shades of Earl Grey. I haven't used it much and I actually think I've lost it, I bought it not that long ago...
Lush Kitchen Item?
I've never ordered from the Lush Kitchen, but I walked past the Edinburgh one and I'm tempted to walk in some time...
Lush Shower Jelly?
Okay.. I haven't used this either! I think they look way too cute and I couldn't possibly use them!
Lush Fresh Face Mask?
Brazened Honey. I really couldn't stand the smell of this one.
Lush Bar of Soap?
I... have never actually used any Lush soap...
What is your favourite...
Lush store?
I use the one on Glasgow Buchanan Street a lot, but I've also been in Oxford Street and Aberdeen... But probably Glasgow Buchanan Street.
Lush Bath Bomb?
Uh... that's tough... Probably Dragon's Egg because I got a really great picture with that one! I posted it on my old Instagram. I know its lame AF but I love the colours in it, they're gorgeous!
Lush Bubble Bar?
Sunnyside. I mean okay it almost stained my bath but I mixed it and made a bath cocktail with Blackberry and it looked like I was bathing in royal blood, I didn't get out the back until the water went cold!
Lush Massage Bar?
The only one I've tried.
Lush Kitchen Item?
Lush Shower Gel?
Snow Fairy.
Without. A. Doubt.
Lush Shower Jelly?
Lush Face Mask?
What Lush products would you like to see come back/haven't tried?
Uh.... Honestly probably the seasonal ones!! Haha, I'm so bad at buying them!!I tag...
Until next time, be excellent to each other.
And as a last, side note: If you like Lush, why not take a look at Metal Panda? They are a small, independent shop based in Falkirk, Scotland, stockists of Bomb Cosmetics and Manic Panic as well as creating their own skincare goodies! They have their shop available through their Facebook page 'Metal Panda Ltd' (linked^) and there are small discounts available such as a 5% Subscriber discount! The products are cheap, affordable and really good so if you can, check them out!
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