Hello, Racheal here! (I'm the one in the straw hat in the Baguette's post)
So I've hijacked Sherbet-Aurora to tell you how our super festive weekend in Aberdeen is going!
As everyone was pretty tired, last night called for a movie night in. Which was kick started by Home Alone (it's the rules). From there, our movie choices became questionable and we wound up watching the demonic horror film As Above, So Below and then to the other end of the spectrum with Chicken Run! (I like to watch something light and silly after a horror, does anyone else do that?)
Today EVERYONE slept in which resulted in us missing most of the daylight. So we headed up to the Aberdeen Christmas Village, which looks so much prettier at night anyway. It was so quaint and festive and was full of delicious smells from all the European food stalls. There's even a tiny ice rink and an indoor bar! And Gail bought candy floss!

All in all, the market was lovely. It doesn't hold a candle to Edinburgh's Winter Wonderland, but Edinburgh will always be the place-to-be for christmas spirit!

Our festivities continue tomorrow as we're doing some christmas baking! I'm super excited, baking always makes me feel warm and homely. Which reminds me, I need to make a christmas playlist for it! As for the rest of tonight... We have Youtube on the tv and a bottle of wine in the fridge!
I hope everyone's had a good weekend and thanks for putting up with my contribution to Gail's Blogmas!
Racheal x
So I've hijacked Sherbet-Aurora to tell you how our super festive weekend in Aberdeen is going!
As everyone was pretty tired, last night called for a movie night in. Which was kick started by Home Alone (it's the rules). From there, our movie choices became questionable and we wound up watching the demonic horror film As Above, So Below and then to the other end of the spectrum with Chicken Run! (I like to watch something light and silly after a horror, does anyone else do that?)
Today EVERYONE slept in which resulted in us missing most of the daylight. So we headed up to the Aberdeen Christmas Village, which looks so much prettier at night anyway. It was so quaint and festive and was full of delicious smells from all the European food stalls. There's even a tiny ice rink and an indoor bar! And Gail bought candy floss!

All in all, the market was lovely. It doesn't hold a candle to Edinburgh's Winter Wonderland, but Edinburgh will always be the place-to-be for christmas spirit!

Our festivities continue tomorrow as we're doing some christmas baking! I'm super excited, baking always makes me feel warm and homely. Which reminds me, I need to make a christmas playlist for it! As for the rest of tonight... We have Youtube on the tv and a bottle of wine in the fridge!
I hope everyone's had a good weekend and thanks for putting up with my contribution to Gail's Blogmas!
Racheal x
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