Today is December 10th 2015. There are 21 days left of this year. I am 21 years old. How coincidental!
This year has been a pretty massive year for me. Long haul trips, major birthdays, first year of blogging, meeting great people... This year has been a rollercoaster. But, it's been a fun one. Let's jump straight in.
January taught me that I can't take on too much, because I'll make myself ill.
It taught me to go out more and enjoy myself, because I would get to meet some wonderful new people, like Linsey in this picture (hello Linsey!) It taught me that I should believe in my work, because when I put in the effort, I can write some really great reports. Finally, it taught me not to let customers get you down. Some customers will shout at you and make you cry, but that is a reflection upon them, not you when you're doing your job correctly. Some people have bad days, but they shouldn't make others feel bad because of it.
It taught me to go out more and enjoy myself, because I would get to meet some wonderful new people, like Linsey in this picture (hello Linsey!) It taught me that I should believe in my work, because when I put in the effort, I can write some really great reports. Finally, it taught me not to let customers get you down. Some customers will shout at you and make you cry, but that is a reflection upon them, not you when you're doing your job correctly. Some people have bad days, but they shouldn't make others feel bad because of it.

February taught me the importance of reflection. Almost all my Facebook posts were of me 'back in the day'. Here's one of myself and Ami when we were 15/16, celebrating 12 years of friendship. It also taught me to take opportunities given to me by my college - to take a trip. It taught me not to take myself too seriously, like that time a customer forgot their curry sauce so I ran outside to the park park, waving frantically to catch their attention before they drove off. It worked.

March was a big month for me. I turned 21. It taught me that my friends were in it for the long haul - they will always have my back. They will always support me. It taught me independence, when I took my first trip internationally in 10 years. It taught me that my first travel blogs were going to be terrible (*ahem* Amsterdam *ahem*). It also taught me to be courageous, like when I dressed in an attempted Lolita and walked around Amsterdam. An Italian woman came up to me and asked if I could be in a picture with her daughter.

April taught me that my efforts will be noticed and rewarded. It taught me that a lot of cool stuff has happened in the last few years in April: like meeting hannah for the first time, going to London for the first time, leaving my little nursery class and trying not to cry when a little boy tells you "Miss Leslie, I'm really going to miss you." It also taught me that I will go the length of the Earth for my friends happiness, like that time I took an impromptu trip to go and visit Racheal in Aberdeen because she got a new flat.

May taught me that although I say I don't miss high school... Sometimes I really do. It taught me the importance of understanding politics when I voted for the 3rd time (this includes the referendum, yes). It taught me that Nicole and I can sit in a pub for 5 hours just to play a game of Monopoly, and walk away without killing each other! It also taught me that I would be reckless like that time I purchased a camera for a lot of money without realising I wouldn't get my student loan the next month.

June taught me that my friends and I will try to make cookies again AND MANAGE IT. It taught me that I would get overly excited about my gaily-pi cookie. It taught me that Tanya can spend so long shopping in Primark that I could go to several other shops, have lunch, get a free can of cola in Buchanan street and build a bear before she left the changing rooms! (Sorry Tanya, it's still crazy that you spent so long in that shop!). It taught me that Nicola has a cute kitten, and it also taught me to be very, very careful around 200 degrees Celsius oil or you will end up in A+E with a burnt arm! (LIKE THAT TIME)

July taught me not to give up on the idea of love, because I had a boyfriend for about two months because we worked at the same place. It taught me that nights out in unfamiliar cities can be incredible fun, and your friends won't mind if you invite some other friends along as well - the more the merrier! July taught me my love of ice cream once the chip shop had an ice cream freezer installed. It also taught me that I am able to face my fears: like that time I was able to stand and watch lightning!
August taught me that I'm actually pretty good at the whole 'organising travel for me and other people' thing. It taught that all I need is a little patience, as 3 years after walking past her, of choosing not to stand in her crowd at SITC 2012, I would win the ballot and finally get to meet Carrie Hope Fletcher and her incredibly lovely boyfriend, Pete! August also taught me that my mental health was in need of TLC when I had a dip in happiness. It also taught me that I would spend a ridiculous amount of time watching Netflix... Like that time I watched Parks and Rec in roughly 2 weeks because it was just too damn addictive! Ben Wyatt tho...
September taught me that the snapchat filters would take over my life for about 3 months, and that I could puke rainbows. It also taught me that I was absolutely ready to go back to college! September taught me that I would compare Nicola to Jaqen H'ghar and find it hilarious (sorry!) It also taught me that the train services are only really good when you aren't in a rush, like that time I ran for the train only to find out that it had been cancelled!

October taught me that hannah and I can miss each other a lot and end up arranging for me to visit her a week before departure, and book accommodation for Wales the night before we left through Airbnb. It taught me that the whole world loves to get involved in pop culture, with Back To The Future day being one of the years biggest events. It also taught me how much pride I can feel for who people who I have never met, like that time I went to Dan and Phil's first ever tour date, which was in Glasgow on the day they released their book. It was so much fun, and I still have my wristband on.
November taught me not to give up on my dreams, as I flew from Edinburgh - Istanbul - Singapore with Turkish Airways, something I could only dream of back in January (and did dream of as I based my graded unit around the country!) It taught me humans can be both good and bad, as the Paris and other various attacks were a devastation to the world, but everyone came together in a state of mourning and comfort. It taught me childhood dreams do come true, as Busted reformed and I bought tour tickets. November taught me never to give up faith, as Nicole got to meet her beloved Taylor Swift!
Finally, November taught me the importance of a community, as I joined #GirlGang and got to talking to a whole bunch of incredible bloggers who I love dearly and feel so blessed to have you all in my life now.
Finally, November taught me the importance of a community, as I joined #GirlGang and got to talking to a whole bunch of incredible bloggers who I love dearly and feel so blessed to have you all in my life now.
But what about December?
As I take part in Blogmas, you'll see, December has taught me the importance of always being positive, of believing in myself and going for my gut feeling. Stopping the solely Christmas based posts was the right choice, as I feel so much more fulfilled and inspired with every post I write, and hope I inspire many other people, too!
What about you? What are 3 things that this year has taught you?
Leave a comment and let me know! We're all growing as people, so let's celebrate it!
Until next time, be excellent to each other.
Remember, I have a giveaway running until 15 December.
Here's the link to the post if you are interested >> ( here ) <<
Two prizes up for grabs; from Lush, Metal Panda and Bomb Cosmetics.
What about you? What are 3 things that this year has taught you?
Leave a comment and let me know! We're all growing as people, so let's celebrate it!
Until next time, be excellent to each other.
Remember, I have a giveaway running until 15 December.
Here's the link to the post if you are interested >> ( here ) <<
Two prizes up for grabs; from Lush, Metal Panda and Bomb Cosmetics.
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