Why I Started Dancing Classes | Jennifer Scott Dance School

06 November 2022


I hope you're all doing well, I know it's been a while since I last posted anything here. If you didn't know, I started a new blog over at A Gentle Gail. I'll be posting about sustainabiltity, conservation and environmentalism over there, but I thought I'd keep this blog to talk about the fun and dorkier things in my life!

As always, there's been a few new developments in my life. I won't go into detail about them all in this post, I feel like a lot of what I do ends up being a yearly summary. Instead, I thought I'd let you know about a new hobby I took up in January. Dancing! But not just any dancing. Ballet and Hip Hop/Commercial.

Life update And Isolation

21 April 2020


So, I have a couple of other posts in the works at the moment but I've been struggling with writing them. It's not because I don't want to or that I'm not excited about them, it's just that I'm not in the right headspace at the moment.

A few things happened since the last time we talked.
In my last post, about Monkey World Ape Rescue Centre, I opened up by talking about having a catch up post in the 'near future'. Here I am, 8 months later to finally tell you what's been going on.

Monkey World Ape Rescue Centre

18 August 2019


Long time no see! I've had a lot going on and I haven't had the time to blog much recently, but I'm hoping to turn that back around! I will have a wee catch up post at some point in the near future, but first I wanted to tell you about a trip I went on a few months ago with my mum. (slightly picture heavy)

It Never Left.

26 September 2018


A few years ago, I wrote a blog post titled "Two Weeks Anxiety Free", and another, more recently called "A Talk About Anxiety", and both of those posts were basically me talking about how I managed to finally beat my anxiety, and praising myself and talking about how adopting a positive mental attitude helped me. How changing my mind from 'what ifs' to 'just do its' drastically improved my fears and stuff like that. Which is all true. I still think positively, if I think 'if i do this', I will immediately shake my head and correct myself with 'when I do this'. I'm doing everything right. I've fought against anxiety for most of my life.

Matched | Series Review

14 September 2018


So, while I'm not a book blogger, I did write a quick review about the Noughts and Crosses series a few years ago. I struggle to concentrate on reading books, and it's something that I've been really upset about, because I can't join in with people when they talk about the books that they've read and enjoyed. Until a month ago, when I downloaded Audible. (Not Sponsored). I listened to Eve of Man, first, which I really enjoyed and I'm now desperate for the sequel to come out! But after that... I wasn't sure. Until I saw somebody (I'm sorry, I can't remember who), tweet about the Matched series by Ally Condie.