On the 9th of May 2016, Forbidden Planet in Glasgow hosted the first monthly meet for female comic lovers, called "She Reads Comics". This event was organised by Kirsty and Nicola and was basically a lock in/drop in evening that ran from 6pm-8pm inside Forbidden Planet with a 20% discount (AND CAKE.)
I, of course, had to be there. The event was for ladies who simply enjoy comics - whether totally new to them (basically like myself) or those who've loved them for years. And everybody was super friendly.
On the 9th of May 2016, Forbidden Planet in Glasgow hosted the first monthly meet for female comic lovers, called "She Reads Comics". This event was organised by Kirsty and Nicola and was basically a lock in/drop in evening that ran from 6pm-8pm inside Forbidden Planet with a 20% discount (AND CAKE.)
I, of course, had to be there. The event was for ladies who simply enjoy comics - whether totally new to them (basically like myself) or those who've loved them for years. And everybody was super friendly.
I'd managed to finish college pretty early, so stayed behind until 4.45-ish just faffing around on the computers before going to McDonald's for some food prior to going to the event. When I got to the shop just before 6, there was already a small group of ladies gathered by the door, immersed in conversation. I got so excited because it meant that I wasn't going to be the only one turning up! My friend Taylor arrived, who'd I'd met at Free Comic Book Day the Saturday before (we both love Harley, it's fantastic.) and then the doors were opened.
I was the first inside, and I wasn't really too sure what to do, so I wandered around really slowly. It only took a couple of minutes to settle down, and soon the food had all been sorted, and the wine had been opened (for those legal to drink.) Kirsty seemed to be trapped behind the table for a while serving us all the cake (which was really good!)
I spent a lot of my time looking at the pop vinyls, I really don't know why but they are always my immediate go to??? But I also got the chance to talk to several people, which was so great! Everyone got immersed in conversation pretty quickly and it really did feel like a really great community, everybody was so friendly.

I spent a lot of my time looking at the pop vinyls, I really don't know why but they are always my immediate go to??? But I also got the chance to talk to several people, which was so great! Everyone got immersed in conversation pretty quickly and it really did feel like a really great community, everybody was so friendly.

I also bumped into my friend Morag who I'd met a few weeks previously at the Barrhead Travel Cruise event! We talked for a while, and she helped me out by taking a video for me (on that topic: my Youtube videos are going to be back dated because my video editing software is playing up.) and also took a few pictures of me, because I had none. Both pictures are, of course, me holding a Harley Quinn toy. Would you expect anything less?
We also went to the graphic novel section and talked a bit about Bill and Ted, Batman and cook books. I was convinced into buying a Batman comic book. (I still prefer Sups) and "Evil Dead 2: The Revenge of Hitler" (I was honestly just so intrigued, I haven't even read it yet), a Stitch keyring (HE LOOKS LIKE ELVIS! IT IS ADORABLE!) and 2 Superman comics. I also discovered a John Cena pop vinyl which I thought was the most hilarious thing ever.

We also went to the graphic novel section and talked a bit about Bill and Ted, Batman and cook books. I was convinced into buying a Batman comic book. (I still prefer Sups) and "Evil Dead 2: The Revenge of Hitler" (I was honestly just so intrigued, I haven't even read it yet), a Stitch keyring (HE LOOKS LIKE ELVIS! IT IS ADORABLE!) and 2 Superman comics. I also discovered a John Cena pop vinyl which I thought was the most hilarious thing ever.

The evening went by really fast, which was really sad. The staff who were running the shop were really friendly, engaging in conversation with us all and making jokes (especially about me running about taking photos). It actually makes me quite happy that I'm still recognised whenever I go in to look at the comics!
Overall, the night was really great, and there isn't all that much that can be said about it because it was the first event and they didn't know how many people would turn up. Nicola was talking about possibly having a theme, or more organisation for the next one and was asking us all for our ideas on what we could do for it. I wasn't really sure what I could bring forward, but hopefully there were a few ideas brought forth - and I look forward to being there.
The next few She Reads Comics events are as follows:
Monday 13 June
Monday 11 July
Monday 8 August
Monday 12 September.
I truly recommend that you go if you are a lady with an interest in comic books. It's a non judgemental environment, and we actually ended up running over time because we were all talking so much!

Overall, the night was really great, and there isn't all that much that can be said about it because it was the first event and they didn't know how many people would turn up. Nicola was talking about possibly having a theme, or more organisation for the next one and was asking us all for our ideas on what we could do for it. I wasn't really sure what I could bring forward, but hopefully there were a few ideas brought forth - and I look forward to being there.
The next few She Reads Comics events are as follows:
Monday 13 June
Monday 11 July
Monday 8 August
Monday 12 September.
I truly recommend that you go if you are a lady with an interest in comic books. It's a non judgemental environment, and we actually ended up running over time because we were all talking so much!

That's it for this post, I didn't want to type too much because there wasn't too much to say. It was a really relaxed evening that I enjoyed a lot, and that I want to bring awareness to for the next one.
You can follow She Reads Comics on Twitter and on Facebook to be brought up to date with any news on the other events. I also want to thank Kirsty and Nicola for organising this event and to Forbidden Planet Glasgow for hosting the event! I have the rest of my photos up on my Facebook page (I promise that next time I won't just run around pointing and shooting aimlessly, I will make them so much better than what I got. It wasn't my best work, but I was having too much fun!)
Apologies for how late this post is with regards to my other posts. It's been about two weeks since I posted anything on here. I was having a lot of things (all positive!) happening in my life (I GOT A CONDITIONAL FOR UNIVERSITY!) so took a break so as to not exhaust myself motionally, and then I took really unwell on Tuesday which totally knocked me for the rest of the week. But I am back now! And I'll see you again, soon!
Until next time, be excellent to each other.
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